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St Mary and All Saints, Stoughton

Welcome to St Mary & All Saints Church, Stoughton

St Mary's is a community of followers of Jesus and those exploring life with Jesus drawn from in and around the village of Stoughton on the eastern side of Leicester. 


At the heart of all we do is the Bible because of its message of forgiveness and hope that comes through Jesus. Whoever you are, wherever you're from, and whatever life looks like for you we'd love to welcome you.

Sunday Services

4pm on the 1st Sunday of every month 

We are part of the parish of St Luke's Church, Thurnby where there are services every Sunday at 8:45am and 10:45am.

What's On

Month of January

Sunday Service

Our next Sunday service at 4pm on Sunday 2nd March.

St Mary's Church, Stoughton


Home Group

Monthly, 3pm

Bible study, prayer, encouragement

Contact us for more details

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Coffee & Cake Drop In

Friday 28th February 

Drop in from 10am-12pm

16 Wadkins Way, LE7 9NA


Prayer Meeting

Monthly, 3pm

Time of praying together

Contact us for more details

Meet the Team

Contact us


We are committed to making St Mary's a safe place for all and especially to safeguard children, young people, victims of domestic abuse, and vulnerable adults. If you have any concerns about a safeguarding issue please speak to any of the following:

Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinators: Fiona Morgan & Ant Lount (07710456594 |

Revd Tom Devas ( | 07817435483)

Diocese of Leicester Safeguarding Contacts (

History of our Church

​There has been worship on this site since the 11th Century.​ The land was once owned by the monks of Leicester Abbey; in the field next to the church they had a Grange where they collected crops from the surrounding fields before taking it to the Abbey. There was probably a small chapel on the site where they performed their devotions throughout the day.


We have a fine example of a 14th century Standing Cross in the churchyard which is a Scheduled Ancient Monument. In the mid-19th century the medieval church was extended and refurbished, then rededicated in 1866. It is thought that at the time of this work the churchyard was enclosed by the granite stone wall.

Today our church building is a beautiful Grade II* listed church, occupying an iconic elevated position, and is the focal point of Stoughton Village. Even more than the building St Mary's is a community of those with faith in Jesus who believe offers good news for every person.

We are part of the Cornerstone Team of Churches along with St Luke's, Thurnby, St Catharine's, Houghton-on-the-Hill, and Living Hope Church, Thurmaston. Find out more about what we believe in the video below.

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